Monitor Voting Rights Legislation in 2017

By Michael Slater November 30, 2016

Now that the election is over, we know we have our work cut out for us. Under the current political climate, we can expect newly emboldened state legislatures to do awful things. If you want to stay informed of what’s happening to voting rights at the state level, here are some resources.

  • Project Vote’s Election Legislation Bill Tracking tool provides the public with free access to our lists of bills and analyses on prominent voting rights issues. Start tracking legislation here.
  • Our “Election Legislation Digest” is a newsletter that gives updates on state legislative activity. The next roundup comes out in January 2017. You can subscribe here.
  • We regularly post legislative updates on our blog. Last week, we gave a picture of the legislative landscape in 2016 and what we can expect in the “off-year” of 2017. Take a look here.

We hope these resources will be useful to you in the fight to protect voting rights in 2017 and beyond.