Month: May 2010

Voter ID Advances in S.C.; Citizen Activist Campaign Quashed in Wis.


The contentious voter ID issue has caused some ruckus in at least two states this week. Read more

Maine Tea Bag Activists Gain Power, Target Voting Rights


“As Maine goes, so goes the nation.” Let us hope the original bellwether state is no longer an accurate indicator... Read more

Election Legislation Hearings of the Week


Hearings for important election bills are scheduled as follows: Read more

Mo.Voter ID Debate is Down to the Wire: Early Voting Provision Rejected by Advocates


The Missouri legislature is once again pushing a controversial measure to combat a mythical problem in the state—registration and voter... Read more

Maryland Becomes Fifth State to Enact Preregistration Law


Yesterday, Governor Martin O’Malley signed HB 217, a bill to permit 16 and 17-year-old citizens to preregister to vote, into... Read more

SCOTUS Asks Obama Admin. for Views on Felon Disenfranchisement Laws


Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court asked the Obama Administration to offer its views on felon disenfranchisement laws and whether or... Read more

Election Legislation Hearings of the Week


Hearings for important election bills are scheduled as follows: Read more