Year: 2012

Voter ID Proposals Die in New Mexico


Three proposals to require citizens to present photo ID to cast a regular ballot were blocked yesterday on a 3-2... Read more

Photo IDs Are Roadblocks to Voting


Minnesotans don’t want to have to present a photo voter ID in order to exercise their right to vote. This... Read more

Federal Hearing Puts Spotlight on Florida Voter Suppression Law


A controversial Florida law threatens voter registration drives and early voting, which has a disproportionate impact on people who are... Read more

The “War on Voting” Extends to Voter Registration Drives


With an estimated 60 million eligible Americans not registered to vote, our democracy still has a long way to go... Read more

Restrictive Voting Measures Considered in Missouri


Two restrictive voting bills will go to the Missouri Senate and House floors, respectively, after gaining committee approval this week.... Read more

Texas Sues to Implement New Voter ID Law


Claiming that the Obama Administration is “hostile” toward voter ID laws, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot is suing for approval... Read more

Questions on Voting


Some of you have asked us how to check if you are registered to vote, if you are eligible to... Read more

Election Day registration works for our most important primaries, Iowa and New Hampshire, so why not for every election?


Our nation’s first two primaries make it easy for citizens to come to the polls and vote via Election Day... Read more

Elderly Tenn. Voter Fears New Law Could Disenfranchise Seniors


Tennessee’s new photo ID law not only faces potential legal challenges, but it is also being questioned by senior citizens... Read more

When Election Officers Create Hurdles to Voting


What do the Secretaries of State from Colorado, Kansas, Maine and New Mexico have in common? They have all tried... Read more