Category: National Voter Registration Act

Georgia Settles Voter Registration Lawsuit, Agrees to Provide Registration Services to Low-Income Citizens


An important victory that brings us a step closer to modernizing our voter registration system at public assistance agencies was... Read more

Massachusetts Secretary Put on Notice for Voting Rights Violations


Yesterday, attorneys from Demos, Project Vote, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law sent a pre-litigation notice letter... Read more

‘Motor Voter’ Registrations on the Rise


The rise in voter registrations coming from public-assistance agencies points to increased compliance with a 1993 federal election law. David... Read more

Election Reform Claims Don’t Pass Muster


Remember that game where a message is passed from person to person (usually they’re girls, as I’ve observed), and the... Read more

Calif. Gov. Addresses Proposed Changes in Voter Registration Law


California Governor Jerry Brown addressed key changes to state voter registration law Friday, just before his deadline to approve new... Read more

Indiana Reaches Settlement to Offer Voter Registration to Low-Income Citizens


Thousands of low-income Indiana residents will finally have the opportunity to register to vote at state public assistance offices, as... Read more

Michigan Officials Put on Notice for Voting Rights Violations


Voting rights groups put the state of Michigan on notice after finding evidence that the state has failed to provide... Read more

Federal Court Gives Green Light to Voter Registration Lawsuit in Louisiana


Today, a federal court ruled that public assistance recipients and the Louisiana State Conference of the NAACP can proceed with... Read more

Virginia Judge Sides with Voters in Precedent-Setting Case


A Virginia judge set a precedent in voting rights victories Wednesday when she handed down her decision in Project Vote... Read more

Voting Rights Groups Sue Georgia for Neglecting Voting Rights of Low-Income Residents


A voting rights coalition filed suit today against Georgia state officials to remedy the state’s failure to provide voter registration... Read more