Category: Voter Registration Drives

Anti-Voter Registration Law Scrutinized in Hearing Thursday


The League of Women Voters, Rock the Vote, and the Florida Public Interest Research Group Education Fund made their case... Read more

S.C. House Pushes Bill to Raise Voter Registration Barriers


Yesterday, civil and voting rights activists spoke out against a South Carolina proposal to raise restrictions on community-based groups that... Read more

Federal Hearing Puts Spotlight on Florida Voter Suppression Law


A controversial Florida law threatens voter registration drives and early voting, which has a disproportionate impact on people who are... Read more

The “War on Voting” Extends to Voter Registration Drives


With an estimated 60 million eligible Americans not registered to vote, our democracy still has a long way to go... Read more

Restrictive Voting Measures Considered in Missouri


Two restrictive voting bills will go to the Missouri Senate and House floors, respectively, after gaining committee approval this week.... Read more

When Election Officers Create Hurdles to Voting


What do the Secretaries of State from Colorado, Kansas, Maine and New Mexico have in common? They have all tried... Read more

Groups Oppose Needless Election Reform Proposals in Michigan


A coalition of voting rights groups, including Project Vote, submitted testimony to a Michigan Senate Committee today, opposing Secretary of State... Read more

Time Magazine: When Voter Registration is a Crime


Another Florida high school teacher is facing a $1,000 fine for helping her students register to vote in violation of... Read more

St. Petersburg Times: Promoting Civic Involvement Shouldn’t Be a Crime


Earlier this week, we blogged about Jill Cicciarelli, a high school teacher in Florida who faced serious fines for helping 50... Read more

Election Reform Claims Don’t Pass Muster


Remember that game where a message is passed from person to person (usually they’re girls, as I’ve observed), and the... Read more