NVRA Heads to Supreme Court: Join us 3/15, 2 PM ET for a Tweetchat

By Sarah Massey March 13, 2013

Next Monday, March 18, the Supreme Court will review the critical voting rights case, Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council, Inc (ITC). The stakes in the case are high: The ruling could gut the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, commonly known as “Motor Voter.” The NVRA requires states to provide voter registration opportunities when citizens get a driver’s license or seek government services at other agencies and provides for voter registration by mail, which is particularly important for citizen-led voter registration drives. In so doing, it protects voters against state restrictions on voter registration for federal elections.

We must protect this critically important legislation.  When the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) first analyzed the NVRA in 1996, it found that the legislation had led to the highest percentage of voter registration ever on record. In the 2010 election alone, the most recent year for which data is available, the NVRA helped register over 45 million voters.

Hosted by our friends at the League of Women Voters, please join us and other voting rights and civil rights groups for a Tweetchat this Friday.

#NVRA Tweetchat
2:00pm ET, Friday, March 15
Hashtag: #NVRA

The tweetchat will explain the nation’s strong need for the National Voter Registration Act. Use hashtag #NVRA to join the conversation.

If the Supreme Court rules against the NVRA, states would be free to pass laws that restrict voter registration activities and prevent eligible citizens from registering to vote.