Voting Matters Blog


Project Vote Testifies Against Call for Potentially Illegal Voter Purge
By Project Vote April 24, 2017

A “conservative legal watchdog group” has targeted Maryland’s largest county in its latest effort to force election officials to purge... Read more

Staff Posts

Matt Masterson is 50 Percent Correct
By Michael Slater April 14, 2017

The EAC chair is right: There is very little voter fraud in America, but he’s far off base in claiming that evidence of voter suppression is “virtually non-existent.” Read more

In the States

The Responsible Way to Increase Voter Access: Same Day Registration
By Brian McWalters April 13, 2017

Same day registration is known to boost voter turnout and keep voter rolls clean. Why aren't more states passing and implementing SDR laws? Read more

Blog Filters

Expanding Opportunities to Register to Vote Online

By Marissa Liebling, Rosemarie Clouston June 24, 2016

While 38 states and the District of Columbia have created, or are creating, opportunities for their residents to register to vote online, only a handful have online systems that are fully accessible to all their residents. Read more

The Struggle to Protect Voting Rights Continues in 2016

By Julia Burzynski June 24, 2016

Project Vote intern Julia Burzynski explores the repercussions of the first major election without voting protections that were once guaranteed by the Voting Rights Act. Read more

Federal Court Hears Pivotal Voting Rights Case

By Sarah Schwartz June 23, 2016

This week, a federal court heard a case "that will determine the outcome of one of the most unprecedented attacks against voting rights in history." Read more

Through the Eyes of Poll Workers

By Archita Taylor, Marissa Liebling June 21, 2016

Project Vote's Archita Taylor and Marissa Liebling study a great deal about voting. But they never knew the experience of poll workers until serving in the 2016 D.C. primaries. Read more

Law Students Encouraged to Help Make Voting More Accessible

By Julia Burzynski, Sarah Schwartz June 16, 2016

Project Vote interns Julia Burzynski and Sarah Schwartz get a better understanding of the challenges we face a nation, especially in the area of voting rights. Read more

How Motor Voter Law Helps Improve Voter Registration Rates in Alabama

By Colline Ferrier June 15, 2016

When states comply with federal voter registration law, more citizens register to vote. Project Vote policy analyst, Colline Ferrier offers a visual on how this works in Alabama. Read more

Project Vote Welcomes Summer 2016 Interns

By Project Vote June 8, 2016

Project Vote is pleased to welcome three interns for the summer of 2016. Read more

CREDO is giving away nearly $200,000: Help us get our share

June 1, 2016

Project Vote has been chosen by CREDO to be one of their three donations recipients this month. With your vote, we can ensure every eligible citizen can register, vote, and cast a ballot that counts. Read more

Groups Tell Gov. Kasich to Veto Bill That Violates Voting Rights

By Erin Ferns Lee May 31, 2016

Project Vote and Ohio advocacy groups urge Governor Kasich to veto a bill that would make it harder to keep polling places open in the event of an emergency. Read more

Voter Guide Helps Mitigate Confusion in New Voter ID States

By Project Vote May 27, 2016

In November's presidential election, 17 states will require voter ID for the first time. Electionary is an ever-expanding tool that can be used by both organizers and voters to help abate confusion over these new rules. Read more