Reaching Would-Be Voters Online

By Erin Ferns Lee June 24, 2014

Senator Kirstin Gillibrand
Voting-eligible citizens across the country should be able to register to vote online, says Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

Gillibrand announced plans to introduce an online voter registration bill to allow citizens to register to vote on their “computers, smartphones, or tablets,” a policy that is gaining more bipartisan attention in recent years.

The New York Daily News reports that “under Gillibrand’s proposal, states with existing online access would expand their system beyond those with state-issued IDs to let more young people, seniors, minorities and the poor to access and update their own voter records online.

“As for security, online systems verify voter’s eligibility by checking each person’s personal information, like date of birth, Social Security, and address.”

Meeting would-be voters where they are–online–is also part of the plan for a major national voter registration drive.

Youth voter engagement group, Rock the Vote–which also advocates for “online voter registration and a host of other voting rights issues”– recently announced plans for a “digital-heavy” voter registration drive in which they will be “meeting young voters where they are: on the Web, on their phones, and on social media,” wrote Nicolas P. Fandos at Politico.

The group hopes to help register 1.5 million voters before the November election.

For more information about online voter registration, visit

Photo by personaldemocracy via Creative Commons license.