The Year Ahead

By PV Admin December 22, 2011

In 2008, the United States experienced the most diverse electorate in American history. Youth, people of color, and low-income Americans surged to the polls and casted their ballots for leaders they believed in.

Right now, partisan forces are trying to make sure this doesn’t happen again in 2012. They are working overtime to make it harder for young, minority, and lower-income citizens to register and vote.

Even the Department of Justice recognizes their dirty work. Just last week, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the partisan assault on voting rights, the likes of which we have not seen since before the civil rights movement:  “We need election systems that are free from fraud, discrimination and partisan influence — and that are more, not less, accessible to the citizens of this country.”

We couldn’t agree more.

At Project Vote, we are fighting back to defend your right to vote and expand voter participation in 2012. But we need your help.

States like Florida, Ohio, and Texas have already passed laws that threaten to severely restrict voter registration and participation in 2012. And other restrictive laws are currently under consideration in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Restrictive voting bills popped up – and many passed – all over the country in 2011, and you can bet that this will happen again in 2012.

Project Vote is working to stop these voting rights threats and maintain fair access to our democracy, but we need your support.

Can you help us in this ongoing effort by making a tax-deductible year-end gift? Click here to support Project Vote today.

You can also help by voting for us with Credo Mobile and Working Assets. Click here to vote for Project Vote before December 31, 2011 and increase the amount of our award in 2012.

Through the years Americans have worked to win equal representation and fair voting rights. People of color, women, youth—in recent history, our fellow citizens fought for the right to vote, and they won.

But today – in this polarized political climate – that right to vote is under siege.

In 2012, Project Vote will work in states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas to stand up for your right to vote. With your contribution, we’ll do all we can to ensure that the next major, national electorate is a true representation of the American people. Here’s a few examples of what we’re working on:

  • Challenging state laws that curb easy access to voting.
  • Bringing voter registration assistance to millions of low-income Americans by working to increase compliance with and enforcement of the National Voter Registration Act.
  • Monitoring poll-worker training and election administration systems to ensure counties and officials are ready for high turnout in 2012.

This is a battle for the very essence of the United States of America—equal representation for all.

Thanks in advance for your support.

And thanks to those who have already given generously this year.

We truly could not succeed without the support of people like you.